

Page history last edited by Szabo Zsuzsa 15 years, 10 months ago




We recommend you to visit museums of Budapest:


Hungarian National Museum

(VIII. Múzeum krt. 14-16): Permanent exhibitions: Hungarian History from the Founding of the State until 1990, Lapidarium – Roman Stonework, and Coronation Jewels and Robes.



Museum of Fine Arts

(XIV. Hősök tere): Hungary’s premier gallery of non-Hungarian works of art from early times at Heroes’ Square.





Hungarian National Gallery 

(I. Dísz tér 17, Buda Castle Royal Palace): The national museum of Hungarian fine arts. Permanent exhibitions: Mediæval and Renaissance Stonework, Gothic Wooden Statues and Panel Paintings, Late Gothic Winged Altarpieces, Renaissance and Baroque Art, the Habsburg Crypt, Nineteenth Century Hungarian Art and Sculpture, and Twentieth Century Hungarian Art and culpture.




Some of the principal theatres and concert halls in Budapest:


National theatre

(IX. Bajor Gizi park 1)

The construction of the National Theatre, on the basis of plans by architect Mária Siklós, began on 14 September 2000, and, after a construction process of record-breaking speed, was completed in a little over 15 months.


Hungarian State Opera House:

(VI. Andrássy út 22.)

Budapest is proud of possessing one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world.




Music Academy:

(VI. Liszt Ferenc tér 8.) Officially called the Ferenc Liszt College of Music Art, it was founded in 1875. Even if you are not a big fan of classical music, it is worth buying a concert ticket just to admire the beautiful interior of these concert halls.



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