Welcome to the 2009 Elisad Meeting wiki!
How to participate
You must login to make edits. To login you must provide the wiki-wide password.
The password for this wiki is the name of the city where this year's Elisad meeting is taking place, plus the number of this year.
If this isn't enough of a hint, contact Kovacs Beatrix kovacs.beatrix@eski.hu for the actual password.
Cultural programme and Elisad dinner:
Details and Registration Form
Lunch cost:
The Thursday and Friday lunches will be served at the meeting room at 12:00. The meeting attendees are requested to make a reservation at the reception desk by 8:15 a.m. Each lunch costs 3000 HUF.
Suggested downtown hotel:
We have received some discount from the prices. All rooms are non-smoking.
1051.Budapest,Hercegprímás utca 8.
Phone:+36 1 328-5014 Fax:+36 1 328-5019
The booking form
Elisad dinner
20,00 Domus Vinorum Winehouse
Location: 1051 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zs. út 18.
Comments (3)
Brian Galvin said
at 10:45 pm on Mar 16, 2009
Well done on setting up the wiki. I look forward to learning about what's planned for this year's meeting
Christine Goodair said
at 1:06 pm on Sep 3, 2009
Can you advise on which hotels are nearest to ESKI - thanks
Kovács Beatrix said
at 10:47 am on Sep 4, 2009
Hello, I will suggest some hotels next Monday
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