

Page history last edited by Kovács Beatrix 15 years, 4 months ago


Addictions in Society : what information services contribute



21st Elisad Annual Meeting    Budapest, 8 - 10 October 2009 


Location:  Ministry of Health

Arany Janos u. 6-8.

H-1051 Budapest



Organiser:National Institute for Strategic Health Research – ESKI


Download: Registration form 2009

Download: Call for papers 2009


Details of the cultural programmes



Download: Cultural Programme and Elisad dinner registration form


Please be so kind to fill in this form and send it back to beatrix.kovacs@eski.hu


Main patron: Dr. Tamás Székely, Minister of Health


Patron: Péter Portörő, Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour.

                                 Directorate for the National Co-ordination on Drug Affairs


The theme of the meeting – Addictions in Society: what information services contribute – will explore issues to do with addictions and young people and families as well as other addictions such as behavioural ones like gambling and the internet. We will also discuss the contribution made by information and documentation services to those with addictions.

We invite researchers, librarians and information specialists who work in the addiction field to submit presentations on the aforesaid theme. We warmly encourage your active participation in this event, be it with a formal presentation or a workshop. Thanks! 


The Thursday and Friday lunches will be served at the meeting room at 12:00. The meeting attendees are requested to make a reservation at the reception desk by 8:15 a.m.  Each lunch costs 3000 HUF.



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